Why a circus theme?

The world of the circus is very interesting and diverse. There is no room for mediocrity in it. A circus show is a magical element of reality. It takes us away for a moment from everyday life and to a wonderfully colorful world. The circus art leaves no room for mistakes. Here on the verge of life and death, a spectacle takes place to the delight of all spectators, without division into classes, categories and social ranks.

Magic of circus

Enchanted by the performances of acrobats, we get carried away by its magic. Naively hypnotized by color, movement, sound and image, we are together with the artist, hold our breath, feel emotions and excitement, freeze at the sight of dangerous acrobatics. We are all equal with our emotions. The artist plays for us and for other viewers with the same passion.

Sweat, tears  and blood

Acrobats seem to be light as feathers. They cross the boundaries imposed by nature. Their flexible bodies are able to overcome gravity. The power of human muscles accomplishes the impossible. Hocus Pocus! – something unbelievable is happening. And this is another illusion, because behind the agility, tricks, somersaults, flights and perfect jumps there are years of practice and sacrifices. It is blood, sweat and tears that give this spectacular effect. Well done Artists!!! Your middle name is perseverance.


Another aspect of the circus is worth noting – inclusivity. People excluded from society often found their place in the world in the circus community. Difference was an asset, it gave them a job, and thus a means of livelihood. The circus offered women independence and earning opportunities. The circus community was ahead of its time in this regard.

Modern circus is cruelty free

The world of the circus was not perfect. There were frequent abuses, exploitation of the weak and tormenting animals. The achievements of the circus art cannot be crossed out by the fact that the menageries constituted a significant part of the circus identity back in the days. Standards in the field of human and animal rights are not the same as they were 20, 50 or 100 years ago. Today we know that the circus is not a place for animals, but it wasn’t always like that.